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Object for a Walk.


Francis Alÿs,

Kurt Perschke





Research pages.


Contact sheet.

My Object.

For this project 'Object for a Walk' I decided to explore outside of my local area, visiting different places and taking photos. To make sure I incorporated the theme of this project I took a record around with me and experimented with different techniques. These techniques include using the rule of thirds, different perspective, use of clever lighting ect. It was important to me not to have the record as the focal point of every image so I experimented with different distances and positions within the frame. I chose a record as it isn't a natural shape so when placing it in a natural environment it would juxtapose from the background. I also liked the fact there where different ways to work it into the photos as either this matte surface almost consuming the photo or it could be used as reflective surface adding an extra layer to the images.

Screen Shot 2021-05-20 at 14.58.00.png

Looking at the techniques used.

When taking these photos I tried to use a series of different techniques like making sure to be using the rule of thirds and the golden ratio. As well as looking for different textures and leading lines to enhance the image. I also looked at having the record as the focal point with a contrasting background using a busier background.


To develop my work I decided to create a collage of records taken either from the original image or ,using photoshop,  edited on records from other images. I did this to create a guide for the audience to follow through the images. I experimented with this style as I wanted to create a flow through each image using the focus of this project.

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